Gambrinus Dry is a lighter beer brewed in the Czech Republic, featuring an ABV of 4.0%.
This lager is characterized by its reduced sugar content, resulting in a drier taste profile that is less malty and more refreshing.
Its light golden color and crisp finish make it an appealing choice for those seeking a lower-calorie option without sacrificing flavor.
Country: Czech Republic
Brewery: Pilsner Urquell Brewery
ABV: 4.00%
Taste Notes & Flavours:
Gambrinus Dry is a lighter beer with an ABV of 4.0%, brewed in the Czech Republic.
This lager features reduced sugar content, resulting in a crisp and refreshing taste that is less malty and more tart.
It is crafted using Pilsner malt and hops, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a lower-calorie option without compromising on flavor.
The cost of Gambrinus Dry typically ranges from €2.80 to €3.20 for a 500 ml bottle.
Also try Gambrinus Flavoured, Gambrinus Original 10, Gambrinus Plna 12, Gambrinus Polotmava 12, Gambrinus Unpasteurized 10, Gambrinus Unpasteurized 12 and Gambrinus Unfiltered Lager.