Blue Moon Belgian White is a renowned Belgian-style witbier introduced in 1995 by the Blue Moon Brewing Company, part of Molson Coors.
Originating from the Sandlot Brewery in Denver, Colorado, it features a cloudy appearance and a refreshing citrus flavor profile, making it a popular choice among craft beer enthusiasts.
Country: United States
Brewery: Blue Moon Brewing Company
ABV: 5.4%
Taste Notes & Flavours:
Blue Moon Belgian White is a refreshing Belgian-style wheat ale with an ABV of 5.4%.
Known for its cloudy appearance, it features a smooth and creamy body with subtle citrus notes.
The ingredients include water, malted barley, wheat, hops, yeast, and Valencia orange peel, contributing to its unique flavor profile.
The cost of Blue Moon typically ranges from $2.80 to $3.75 for a 330 ml bottle. For a 12-pack of 355 ml bottles, the price is generally around $15.00 to $18.80.
Also try Blue Moon Light beer.