Dark Lord is a Russian imperial stout with an ABV of 15%, brewed annually by Three Floyds Brewing in Indiana.
Known for its rich, complex flavors, Dark Lord is released on a single day each year, known as Dark Lord Day, attracting beer enthusiasts from around the country.
This highly sought-after stout features a blend of dark malts, imparting notes of chocolate and coffee, making it a standout in the craft beer community.
Country: United States
Brewery: Three Floyds Brewing
ABV: 15%
Taste Notes & Flavours:
Dark Lord is a Russian imperial stout with an ABV of 15%, brewed annually by Three Floyds Brewing.
This unique stout is crafted with coffee, Mexican vanilla, and Indian sugar, resulting in rich flavors of mocha and charred fruit.
Its thick, motor oil-like consistency makes it a decadent choice for stout lovers.
The cost of Dark Lord typically ranges from $19.00 upwards for a 22 oz bottle.
Also try Alpha King APA or Dreadnaught IPA from Three Floyd Brewing.